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Cornish Nomad Golf Society – a small history
One of our valued customers has been kind enough to send us a lovely photo of their Golf Society Captain and winners of the Captains prize at a recent event wearing their brand new ties made exclusively by us.
We were very interested to hear a small piece of background history about the Cornish Nomad Golf Society:
“The Cornish Nomad Golf Society was founded in 1966, by a number of members of golf clubs in Cornwall, and consists now of about 75 members of most of the golf clubs within Cornwall who have been nominated by those clubs. As the name suggests, we play once a month each year at twelve Cornish Clubs, having various competitions, but mostly 2Ball Better Ball random partnerships.
Every one of our Members has to buy a tie, and wear it at our meetings, risking a considerable fine if they do not!
We bought a new stock of our ties from Keltic Ties a few years ago. We find the ties are of excellent quality, keep their shape, are hard wearing but easy to clean, which, as you can imagine is important to most of our members!”
We look forward to working with you again in the near future!